Gustav III:s Boulevard 46, 169 73, Solna

Wisdom tooth removal

As you know, wisdom teeth (In most cases) do not carry any functional load, i.e. do not perform chewing functions. But despite this, they often become a source of dental problems.

Treating the third molars is very difficult because of access to them. It is difficult to control their full hygiene at home. A person with unerupted (impacted) wisdom teeth is at risk due to the possible development of tooth decay, periodontitis (inflammation of the gums), or infectious diseases. In addition, wisdom teeth are often the cause of overcrowding of the teeth in adulthood. When the "eights" begin to "appear", they move all the other teeth of the jaw towards each other at the same time.

Therefore, our dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth as early as possible, when they have just begun to erupt and disturb. In addition, with aging, the removal of these teeth can become more difficult.

The dental surgeon of Renaissance Dental clinic works only according to modern treatment protocols, for the atraumatic and painless extraction of wisdom teeth of any complexity.

In order to guarantee high-quality and professional removal with minimal consequences for the body, particularly careful preparation is required.
First of all, the dentist makes a visual examination and listens to complaints. Next, the mandatory stage is an x-ray examination or orthopantomogram. This is necessary for knowing the location of the roots and the direction of effort. Depending on the information received, the doctor can choose from two options for removal:

  • Simple

If access to the tooth is not difficult, it is well erupted and the roots have a simple structure, the surgeon loosens the wisdom tooth by neat smooth movements and gradually removes it from the socket with the help of special forceps. This applies mainly to the teeth of the upper jaw.

  • Complex tooth removal

If the tooth is impacted (not erupted at all) or grows sideways, and the x-ray shows that the tooth has intertwined complex roots that stick out in different directions, surgical removal will be required. The dental surgeon makes an incision of the gum in order to open full access to the tooth and roots. Sometimes it is necessary to remove a small bone plate since the main part of the tooth is in the bone. Further, for atraumatic removal, the tooth is cut into parts with a special tool and removed in pieces. Most often, the operation on the teeth of the lower jaw is difficult, since its bone is more dense and "holds" the roots stronger.

Before the procedure, your doctor will select an anesthetic and anesthetize the tissues around the tooth, thanks to this, the operation is absolutely painless. But if you are still worried, we can use additional sedation, it has no negative consequences and does not require additional rehabilitation.

After the operation, the doctor, if necessary, will put stitches, and treat the socket remaining after the tooth with antiseptic. According to the indications, it is possible to apply medications that accelerate healing significantly.

Call us today if you still have any questions: 08 650 10 60, or book a consultation online.

We always wait for you at the address: Gustav III:s Boulevard 46, 169 73 Solna