Gustav III:s Boulevard 46, 169 73, Solna
  • Renaissance Dental
    Gustav III:s boulevard 46
    16973, Solna
Contact details
Local traffic

Buss to Frösunda/Frösunda port
Buses from Solna-Station/Centrum
Nm 508-509(to Danderyds)
Nm 176-177 (to Mörby)
Nm 57 (to Frösundavik)
From Ulriksdal nm 509(to Brommaplan)
From Odenplan nm 57(to Frösundavik)
Commuter train to Solna
From T-Centralen commuter train to Märsta.
Or search for your trip at


Contact us

For general questions, send us a message and we will respond to you as soon as we can. You can also call us directly to get help with your case.

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