Gustav III:s Boulevard 46, 169 73, Solna
Periodontics | Treatments | Symptoms | Renaissance Dental Solna


Gum diseases occur not less common than tooth diseases. In most cases, problems with the gums are associated with a violation of individual hygiene of the oral cavity or poor-quality restorations. Other common reasons are hormonal problems, oncology, diabetes, and vascular wall weakness.

If the inflammatory process is not stopped in time and inflammation begins, a gingival pocket is formed gradually; it is a cavity between the gum and the tooth, where tartar, plaque, food debris, and a lot of bacteria accumulate. Inflammation of such pockets contributes to the thinning of bone tissue, teeth get loose and need to be removed.

At Renaissance Dental Clinic we use the full range of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases.

Book an appointment with our specialist if you notice the following symptoms:

  • Swelling and bleeding gums;
  • Increased sensitivity to cold and hot;
  • Bad breath;
  • Tooth mobility;
  • Exposed tooth roots in whole or in part (reduction of the level of the gum);
  • Formation of plaque on the teeth.

These signs may indicate the development of inflammatory processes in the mouth, such as:

gingivitis, a superficial form of inflammation that affects only the outer layer of the mucous membrane, as well as the interdental papillae;
or periodontitis, inflammation moves deeper and begins to affect not only the gums but even extends to the ligaments that hold the tooth in the bone tissue.

The purpose of periodontal treatment is to eliminate inflammation, restore the anatomical structure and physiological function of tissues.

We draw your attention to the fact that periodontal treatment requires a comprehensive approach and maintenance of the achieved therapeutic effect. Periodontitis is well treatable at the early stages. The best prevention is professional oral hygiene 2 times a year with our hygienist.

Come to us for regular checkups for the prevention of inflammatory periodontal diseases. Remember that healthy gums are a necessary ground and condition for aesthetic dentistry, prosthetics, implantology, and orthodontics.

Call us today if you still have any questions: 08 650 10 60, or book a consultation online.

We always wait for you at the address: Gustav III:s Boulevard 46, 169 73 Solna